Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Economics and Administration (FES)
Study programme Economic Policy and Administration (N6202)
Branch of study / Specialization Economics of Public Sector (6202T070/99 - 2014)
Level of acquired qualification Follow-up study
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 2 years
Number of ECTS credits 120
Qualification awarded Engineer (Ing.) (2)
Access to further studies Doctoral study programme  
Type of completion State final examination
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Komárková Jitka, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Phone: +420466036058
Key learning outcomes The aim of the study is to prepare multidisciplinary qualified economic experts for a dominant sphere of the state and self-governing administration with the qualification that is destined for a use in economic practice of a regional and local development. A graduate obtains the knowledge of economic theory and applied economic science disciplines oriented especially in the field of economics of public sector. A graduate is qualified for a sphere of public economics as well as the private sector within the region or for the employment in consultancy structures. The knowledge acquired within the follow-up Master study allows the graduates to adapt to completely new future conditions arising from science and technique development. Likewise it creates good prerequisites for the best students to pursue in the Doctoral study programme of the same or related specialization.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Provazníková Romana, doc. Ing. Ph.D.

Segment composition (blocks and Courses within):

Name of segment
1.r HPS EVS P NMgr.
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UEV/PVEK2 Publice Economics II 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
UMKM/PMME Mathematic Methods in Economics 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
UPEM/PFIU Financial Accounting 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
UEV/PMIK2 Microeconomics II 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
UEV/PVFI2 Public Finance II 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
UEV/PMAK2 Macroeconomics II 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Summer  
UMKM/PSME Statistic Methods in Economics 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
UEV/PEVSL Economy of Public Services 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Summer  
UEV/PEVS2 Economics of Public Sector II 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
UEV/PDTP Tax Theory and Policy 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Summer  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UEV/PBAN Banking 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
USII/PZDM Data Mining 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 1 Winter  
JC/EPAIV English for Academic Purposes - B2 4 Zk 0+2+0 1 Winter  
JC/EPNKU German Speaking Skills B1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 1 Winter  
JC/EPAEU Business English - B1+ 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
JC/EPNEV Business German - B2 2 Zk 0+2+0 1 Winter  
JC/EPAEV Business English - B2 2 Zk 0+2+0 1 Winter  
USSV/PTPZ Labour Market and Employment Policy 3 Zp 2+1+0 1 Winter  
UEV/PUNO Non-profit organizations accounting 3 Zp 2+1+0 1 Winter  
USSV/PESV Europ. Systems of Public Administration 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
UPEM/PFIR Financial Management 3 Zk+ 1+2+0 1 Summer  
USII/PMEP Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
UEV/PNEO Non-profit organizations 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Summer  
UMKM/POPM Operations Management 4 Zp 2+2+0 1 Summer  
USSV/PEEK Environmental Economics and Management 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Summer  
UPEM/PFIN Financial Investment 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
JC/EPNKV German Speaking Skills B1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 1 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UEV/PFPM Financial and Actuarial Mathematics 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
USSV/PRPU Regional Policy of EU 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Summer  
USSV/PSOP Social Pathology 2 Zp 1+0+0 1 Summer  
USSV/PUPS Constitutional Law and Politics 4 Zp 2+1+0 1 Summer  
Name of segment
2.r HPS EVS P NMgr.
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UEV/PPRE Spatial Economics 4 Zp 2+1+0 2 Winter  
UEV/PHPU Economic Policy of EU 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
UEV/PMVS Management of Public Sector 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
UEV/PEVV Economics of education and leisure time 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
UEV/PEZD Economics of Health Services 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
UEV/PESZ Economics of Social Welfare 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
UPEM/PIAVS Audit and Control in Public Admin. 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
UEV/PTEF Theory of project financing 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
FES/PSDP Thesis Seminar 15 Zp 0+0+0 2 Summer  
UEV/PSAE Seminar on Actual Economic Issues in PS 3 Zp 0+2+0 2 Summer  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
USSV/PSRI Administrative Procedure 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
USSV/PEPR European Law 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
USII/PZGIS Geographic Information Systems 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
UPEM/PTRO Theory of Decision Making 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter  
UEV/PVET Development of Economic Theories 4 Zk 2+0+0 2 Summer  
UEV/PMEK Mathematic Economics 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
USSV/PFIP Financial Law 3 Zp 2+1+0 2 Winter  
URBV/AUUP Urban Planning 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Winter The course is available to visiting students
UEV/PMZF International Finance 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
UEV/PROS Development Studies 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
UPEM/POMA Property Evaluation 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
Name of segment
TV volitelná
Name of block
P.E. Optional - SS
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTS/VES2 Rowing 2 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Summer  
KTS/BCH2 Beach Volleyball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/AQR2 Aquaaerobic 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/BAD2 Badminton 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/BAS2 Basketball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/FLO2 Floorball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/FOT2 Football 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/HAZ2 Handball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/INC2 Indoorcycling 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/KCV2 Conditional training 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/LEZ2 Climbing 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/PLA2 Swimming 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/POS2 Strengthening 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/PWJ2 Poweryoga 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/SQU2 Squash 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/TEN2 Tennis 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/VOL2 Volleyball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/APA2 Alternative physical activity 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/SEB2 Self defence and combat sports 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/ASP2 Alternative outdoor sports 2 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Summer  
KTS/AER2 Aerobic 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
Name of block
P.E. Optional - WS
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTS/VES1 Rowing 1 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Winter  
KTS/BCH1 Beach Volleyball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/FLO1 Floorball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/APA1 Alternative physical activity 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/AER1 Aerobic 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/AQR1 Aquaaerobic 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/BAD1 Badminton 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/FOT1 Football 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/HAZ1 Handball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/INC1 Indoorcycling 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/KCV1 Conditional training 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/LEZ1 Climbing 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/PLA1 Swimming 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/POS1 Strengthening 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/PWJ1 Poweryoga 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/SQU1 Squash 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/TEN1 Tennis 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/VOL1 Volleyball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/SEB1 Self defence and combat sports 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/ASP1 Alternative outdoor sports 1 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Winter  
KTS/BAS1 Basketball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
Name of segment
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
FES/SEKOM Economics 0 Szv 0+0+0 - Summer