Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Economics and Administration (FES)
Study programme Economics and Management (B6208)
Branch of study / Specialization Enterprise Management (6208R126/11 - 2016)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (Bc.) (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion State final examination
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Komárková Jitka, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Phone: +420466036058
Key learning outcomes The aim of the specialization is to prepare experts in enterprise management in the profit and non-profit sector mainly with the character of small and middle enterprises furthermore to provide the students with the knowledge of economics and management essential for performing functions in entrepreneurial subjects as well as in the companies operating in the public sphere. Graduates acquire the ability to carry out specialized and managerial positions, they are provided with the knowledge and skills in managerial activities, enterprise management and law disciplines. They are competent to lead people, to have an internal and external communication and to create appropriate company culture. Furthermore they are competent to establish a company and run a business in the competitive environment. Broader acquirement of foreign languages gives them an advantage to compete in the job market. Graduates can carry out positions of assistants of top managers, specialized workers and managers at lower levels in the company. First of all they can carry out positions in trade, marketing, organization, controlling, human resources, planning and economic departments as well as positions of dealer, marketing specialist, purchasing agent or officer, management engineer, auditor, HR specialist. The knowledge acquired within the Bachelor study provide the graduates with the possibility to continue in the study in the follow-up Master study programme of the same or related specialization.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Myšková Renáta, doc. Ing. et Ing. Ph.D.

Segment composition (blocks and Courses within):

1 MSP P16
Name of segment
1.r EM MSP P 16
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTS/TVPZS Physical Education - Obligatory 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
UPEM/PTVZ PTVZ 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
USII/PZALE Introduction to Algorithms 3 Zp 1+2+0 1 Winter  
USSV/PHOG Economic Geography 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
USSV/PPSL Psychology 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
UMKM/PMSEM Mathematic Seminar 1 Zp 0+1+0 1 Winter  
UEV/PMIE1 Microeconomics I 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
UMKM/PMAT1 Mathematics I 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
USII/PZDE Data Computer Processing 3 Zk+ 1+2+0 1 Summer  
UPEM/PNAP Managerial Economy 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
UMKM/PMAT2 Mathematics II 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
USSV/PSKPE Private Law for Economy 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Summer  
UEV/PMAE1 Macroeconomics I 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
KTS/TVPLS Physical Education - Obligatory 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Summer  
UPEM/PZUC Introduction to Accounting 3 Zp 1+1+0 1 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UMKM/PMS1 Mathematic Practice I 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
UMKM/PMS3 Mathematic Seminar - MATLAB 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Summer  
UMKM/PMS2 Mathematic Practice II 2 Zp 0+1+0 1 Summer  
2 MSP P16
Name of segment
2.r EM MSP P 16
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UPEM/PUCP Company Accounting 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
UMKM/PSTA1 Statistics I 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
UPEM/PMEN1 Management 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
UEV/PZAF Introduction to Finance 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
UPEM/PPEK Managerial Economy 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
USII/PISVS Introduction to Information Systems 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Summer  
UPEM/PFIT Financial Markets 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
USSV/PSOC Sociology 3 Zp 2+1+0 2 Summer  
UPEM/PODP Professional Practice (10 days) 3 Zp 0+10D+0 2 Summer  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UPEM/PUCV Accounting Reports 3 Zk+ 1+1+0 2 Winter  
USSV/PSKP2 Private Law II 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
URBV/PKRM Crisis Management 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
UMKM/PSTA2 Statistics II 5 Zp 2+2+0 2 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
USII/PDBS1 Database Systems I 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 2 Winter  
UPEM/PODV Intellectual Property Protection 2 Zp 1+1+0 2 Winter  
USSV/AIIB Introduction to International Business T 2 Zp 1+0+0 2 Winter  
UPEM/PPOK Corporate Culture 5 Zk+ 2+1+0 2 Summer  
USSV/ABL American Criminal Law 2 Zp 1+0+0 2 Summer  
USSV/PIZH Information Sources for Econom. Practice 1 Zp 0S+1+0 2 Summer  
UEV/PZVET Basics of Development of Economic Theor. 2 Zp 1+1+0 2 Summer  
UMKM/PZDS Survey data processing 2 Zp 1+1+0 2 Summer  
USII/PELE e-Learning 3 Zp 1+2+0 2 Summer  
3 MSP P16
Name of segment
3.r EM MSP P 16
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UPEM/PMAA Managerial Analysis 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/PPOD PPOD 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/PMAR Marketing 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/PKAT Capital Markets 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/PMSP Small and Middle-Size Businesses 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/PIAT Innovation and Creativity 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Summer  
UPEM/PSRJ System Quality Management 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Summer  
UPEM/PRLZ1 Human Resource Management 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Summer  
FES/PSBP Bachelor Paper Seminar 13 Zp 0+0+0 3 Summer  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
UPEM/PZMR Introduction to Manager. Decision-Making 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Winter  
USSV/PEIN European Economic Integration 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/PORZ Organization of Business Operations 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/PSTG Strategic Management 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Summer  
UEV/PHPO Economic Policy 4 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
USII/PUBOI Introduc. to Informat.Security and Prot. 3 Zk+ 2+1+0 3 Winter  
UPEM/AMAET Managerial Ethics 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter The course is available to visiting students
USII/PUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 3 Winter  
USSV/PPRP Labour Law 4 Zp 2+1+0 3 Winter  
Name of segment
FES cizí jazyk Bc. PS EPP
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/EPAEC Business English - A2 4 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
JC/EPAED Business English - A2+ 4 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
JC/EPAEE Business English - B1 4 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
JC/EPAEI Business English - C1 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPAEG Business English - B2 4 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
JC/EPAEH Business English - B2+ 4 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
JC/EPAEF Business English - B1+ 4 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KCJ/EPF3P 2nd Foreign Language I - French 4 Zp 0+4+0 2 Winter  
KCJ/EPF4P 2nd Foreign Language II - French 4 Zk+ 0+4+0 2 Summer  
KCJ/EPF5H 2nd Foreign Lang. For Economics - French 4 Zp 0+3+0 3 Winter  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/EPNEC Business German - A2 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPNED Business German - A2+ 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPNEG Business German - B2 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPNEF Business German - B1+ 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPNEE Business German - B1 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/EPREC Business Russian - A2 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPRED Business Russian - A2+ 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPREG Business Russian - B2 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPREF Business Russian - B1+ 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
JC/EPREE Business Russian - B1 4 Zk 0+4+0 - -  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/EPAKF English Speaking Skills B1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/EPAKC English Speaking Skills A2 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/EPNKD German Speaking Skills A2+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/EPNKG German Speaking Skills B1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/EPNKF German Speaking Skills B1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/UPRUC Russian - A2 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPRUB Russian - A1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPRUA Russian - A1 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPRUD Russian - A2+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
Name of segment
TV volitelná
Name of block
P.E. Optional - SS
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTS/VES2 Rowing 2 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Summer  
KTS/BCH2 Beach Volleyball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/AQR2 Aquaaerobic 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/BAD2 Badminton 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/BAS2 Basketball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/FLO2 Floorball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/FOT2 Football 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/HAZ2 Handball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/INC2 Indoorcycling 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/KCV2 Conditional training 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/LEZ2 Climbing 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/PLA2 Swimming 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/POS2 Strengthening 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/PWJ2 Poweryoga 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/SQU2 Squash 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/TEN2 Tennis 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/VOL2 Volleyball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/APA2 Alternative physical activity 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/SEB2 Self defence and combat sports 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/ASP2 Alternative outdoor sports 2 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Summer  
KTS/AER2 Aerobic 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
Name of block
P.E. Optional - WS
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTS/VES1 Rowing 1 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Winter  
KTS/BCH1 Beach Volleyball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/FLO1 Floorball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/APA1 Alternative physical activity 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/AER1 Aerobic 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/AQR1 Aquaaerobic 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/BAD1 Badminton 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/FOT1 Football 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/HAZ1 Handball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/INC1 Indoorcycling 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/KCV1 Conditional training 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/LEZ1 Climbing 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/PLA1 Swimming 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/POS1 Strengthening 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/PWJ1 Poweryoga 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/SQU1 Squash 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/TEN1 Tennis 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/VOL1 Volleyball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/SEB1 Self defence and combat sports 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/ASP1 Alternative outdoor sports 1 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Winter  
KTS/BAS1 Basketball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
Name of segment
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
FES/SEKO Economics 0 Szv 0+0+0 - Summer