Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Economics and Administration (FES)
Study programme System Engineering and Informatics (B6209)
Branch of study / Specialization Regional and Information Management (6209R028/99 - 2014)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Part-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (Bc.) (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion State final examination
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Komárková Jitka, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Phone: +420466036058
Key learning outcomes The aim of the specialization is to train qualified experts for a wide group of positions in regional bodies and organizations able to design, realize, professionally develop and apply information and communication technologies and to use a computer, professionally develop and apply information and communication technologies and to use computer-supported methods in decision making processes at a regional level. A graduate is provided with the knowledge and skills especially in the field of contemporary information technologies with relation to managerial, resp. decision making processes with the accent put on spatial information. He or she is able to apply systematic approach in vice-criteria decision making characteristic in the field of public administration (region). A graduate is able to assert in the state administration, self-governing bodies, specific regional organizations (for example development agencies, economic chambers). The knowledge acquired within the Bachelor study allows the graduates to adapt to completely new future conditions arising from science and technique development. Likewise it creates good prerequisites for the best students to pursue in the follow-up Master study programme of the same or related specialization.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Komárková Jitka, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Status Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course code Course title (* Final State Examination) Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
A Compulsory 1 Winter UMKM/KMAT1 Mathematics I Czech 5  
A Compulsory 1 Winter USII/KTZI Essentials of Informatics Czech 5  
A Compulsory 1 Winter UMKM/KMSEM Mathematic Seminar Czech 1  
A Compulsory 1 Winter USSV/KPSL Psychology Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Winter UEV/KEKO1 Economics I Czech 6  
A Compulsory 1 Winter USSV/KUDS Introduction to distance learning Czech 1  
A Compulsory 1 Winter USSV/KPRR Law System of the Czech Republic Czech 3  
A Compulsory 1 Winter USII/KZAL Introduction to Algorithms Czech 3  
C Optional 1 Winter UMKM/KMS1 Mathematic Practice I Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Summer USII/KTWS Development of WWW Pages Czech 4  
A Compulsory 1 Summer USII/KZD Data Computer Processing Czech 3  
A Compulsory 1 Summer USII/KEIZ Electronic Information Resources Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Summer UMKM/KMS3 Mathematic Seminar - MATLAB Czech 2  
A Compulsory 1 Summer UMKM/KMAT2 Mathematics II Czech 5  
A Compulsory 1 Summer UPEM/KMNZ Managerial Economics Czech 5  
A Compulsory 1 Summer UPEM/KZUC Introduction to Accounting Czech 3  
C Optional 1 Summer UMKM/KMS2 Mathematic Practice II Czech 2  
A Compulsory 2 Winter UPEM/KMAN Basics of Management Czech 4  
A Compulsory 2 Winter UEV/KVEK Public Economics Czech 4  
A Compulsory 2 Winter USII/KDBS1 Database Systems I Czech 4  
A Compulsory 2 Winter USII/KTSY1 Theory of Systems I Czech 4  
A Compulsory 2 Winter UMKM/KPAS1 Probability and Statistics I Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter UPEM/KODV Intellectual Property Protection Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter USII/KALG Algorithms and Programming Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Winter USSV/KHOG Economic Geography Czech 3  
A Compulsory 2 Summer UMKM/KPAS2 Probability and Statistics II Czech 5  
A Compulsory 2 Summer USII/KDBS2 Database Systems II Czech 5  
A Compulsory 2 Summer USII/KSEP Term Project Czech 3  
A Compulsory 2 Summer USII/KROP Decision Making Processes Czech 3  
A Compulsory 2 Summer USII/KISR Inform.Systems in Region. Administration Czech 4  
A Compulsory 2 Summer UEV/KVFI Public Finance Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer USII/KSOS Social Networks Czech 3  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer USSV/KSSP State Administration Czech 3  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer UPEM/KMZN Knowledge-Based Management Czech 3  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer USII/KTEI Internet Technologies Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer URBV/KKRM Crisis Management Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 2 Summer USSV/KUZS Regional Administration Czech 4  
C Optional 2 Summer USSV/KSOC Sociology Czech 3  
C Optional 2 Summer USII/KELE e-Learning Czech 3  
A Compulsory 3 Winter USII/KUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Czech 4  
A Compulsory 3 Winter USII/KSIN Introduction to System Integration Czech 5  
A Compulsory 3 Winter USII/KPSI1 Computer Networks I Czech 5  
A Compulsory 3 Winter USII/KDM1 Data Mining I Czech 4  
A Compulsory 3 Winter USII/KGIS1 Geographic Information Systems I Czech 5  
A Compulsory 3 Winter URBV/KRRM Reg. Sciences and Micro-Reg. Development Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter USII/KMUL Multimedia Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter UEV/KMFI Municipal and regional Finance Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter USII/KJAVA Programming in JAVA Language Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter USII/KMAI Managerial Information Czech 4  
B Compulsory option 3 Winter USSV/KSPP1 Administrative Law I Czech 3  
C Optional 3 Winter UPEM/KMAET Managerial Ethics Czech 5  
C Optional 3 Winter USII/KZPI Introduction to Information Presentation Czech 4  
A Compulsory 3 Summer USII/KOSY Operating Systems Czech 7  
A Compulsory 3 Summer FES/KSBP Bachelor Paper Seminar Czech 13  
A Compulsory 3 Summer USII/KRP1 Project Management I Czech 5  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer USSV/KSGE Socio-Econ. Geography of Europ. Regions Czech 2  
B Compulsory option 3 Summer USII/KZDTP Introduction to DTP Czech 3  
C Optional 3 Summer UPEM/KRLZ1 Human Resource Management for manager Czech 5  
C Optional 3 Summer USSV/KSPP2 Administrative Law II Czech 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKNED Business German - A2+ German 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKNEC Business German - A2 German 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKREF Business Russian - B1+ Russian 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKAED Business English - A2+ English 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKAEE Business English - B1 English 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKNEG Business German - B2 German 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKNEE Business German - B1 German 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKRED Business Russian - A2+ Russian 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKAEF Business English - B1+ English 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKREC Business Russian - A2 Russian 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKAEH Business English - B2+ English 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKAEC Business English - A2 English 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKAEG Business English - B2 English 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKREG Business Russian - B2 Russian 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKNEF Business German - B1+ German 4  
B Compulsory option - - JC/EKREE Business Russian - B1 Russian 4  
A Compulsory - Summer FES/SEKO Economics  (*) Czech 0