Courses of department: USII

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Course code Course name
Course code Course name Semester Language of instruction Number of ECTS credits Course availability
USII/AALG Algorithms and Programming
USII/AALG Algorithms and Programming Winter English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ABI Business Intelligence
USII/ABI Business Intelligence Winter Czech 7 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ABOI Data Security and Protection
USII/ABOI Data Security and Protection Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ADBS1 Database Systems I
USII/ADBS1 Database Systems I Winter English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ADBS2 Database Systems II
USII/ADBS2 Database Systems II Summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ADM1 Data Mining I
USII/ADM1 Data Mining I Winter English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ADM2 Data Mining II
USII/ADM2 Data Mining II Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AEIZ Electronic Information Sources
USII/AEIZ Electronic Information Sources Summer English 1 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AELE e-Learning
USII/AELE e-Learning Summer English 3  
USII/AELO E-commerce
USII/AELO E-commerce Summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AGIS1 Geographic Information Systems I
USII/AGIS1 Geographic Information Systems I Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AGIS2 Geographic Information Systems II
USII/AGIS2 Geographic Information Systems II Summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AGISL Geographic Information Systems and Regional Economic Development
USII/AGISL Geographic Information Systems and Regional Economic Development Winter English 6  
USII/AISR Inform.Systems in Region. Administration
USII/AISR Inform.Systems in Region. Administration Summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AJAVA Programming in JAVA Language
USII/AJAVA Programming in JAVA Language Winter English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AMEP Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes
USII/AMEP Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes Summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AMUL Multimedia
USII/AMUL Multimedia Winter English 4  
USII/AODP Professional Internship(10 days)
USII/AODP Professional Internship(10 days) Summer English 3  
USII/AOSY Operating Systems
USII/AOSY Operating Systems Summer English 7 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/APAU Territory Space Analysis
USII/APAU Territory Space Analysis Winter English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/APCR Procedural Proceeding
USII/APCR Procedural Proceeding Summer English 3  
USII/APIS Development of Information Systems
USII/APIS Development of Information Systems Winter Czech 5  
USII/APSI1 Computer Networks I
USII/APSI1 Computer Networks I Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AROP Decision Making Processes
USII/AROP Decision Making Processes Summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ARP1 Project Management I
USII/ARP1 Project Management I Summer English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ARP2 Project Management II
USII/ARP2 Project Management II Summer English 6 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ARZN Knowledge management
USII/ARZN Knowledge management Winter Czech 3  
USII/ASIN System Integration
USII/ASIN System Integration Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ASMP Map Server Services
USII/ASMP Map Server Services Winter English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ASOS Social Networks
USII/ASOS Social Networks Summer English 3  
USII/ASYI System Engineering
USII/ASYI System Engineering Summer English 6 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ATEI Internet Technologies
USII/ATEI Internet Technologies Summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ATSY1 Theory of Systems I
USII/ATSY1 Theory of Systems I Winter English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ATSY2 Theory of Systems II
USII/ATSY2 Theory of Systems II Winter English 6 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ATWS Development of WWW Pages
USII/ATWS Development of WWW Pages Summer English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/ATZI Essentials of Informatics
USII/ATZI Essentials of Informatics Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
USII/AUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Winter English 4 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AUVI1 Artificial and Computat. Intelligence I
USII/AUVI1 Artificial and Computat. Intelligence I Winter English 5 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AUVI2 Artificial and Computational Intelligence II
USII/AUVI2 Artificial and Computational Intelligence II Summer English 5  
USII/AZAL Introduction to Algorithms
USII/AZAL Introduction to Algorithms Winter English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AZD Data Computer Processing
USII/AZD Data Computer Processing Summer English 3  
USII/AZDE Data Computer Processing
USII/AZDE Data Computer Processing Summer English 3 The course is available to visiting students
The course is available to visiting students
USII/AZDTP Introduction to DTP
USII/AZDTP Introduction to DTP Summer English 3  
USII/AZGIS Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
USII/AZGIS Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Winter English 5  
USII/AZPI Introduction to Information Presentation
USII/AZPI Introduction to Information Presentation Winter English 4  
USII/KALG Algorithms and Programming
USII/KALG Algorithms and Programming Winter Czech 4  
USII/KBI Business Intelligence
USII/KBI Business Intelligence Winter Czech 7  
USII/KBOI Data Security and Protection
USII/KBOI Data Security and Protection Winter and summer Czech 5  
USII/KDBS1 Database Systems I
USII/KDBS1 Database Systems I Winter Czech 4  
USII/KDBS2 Database Systems II
USII/KDBS2 Database Systems II Summer Czech 5  
USII/KDM1 Data Mining I
USII/KDM1 Data Mining I Winter Czech 4  
USII/KDM2 Data Mining II
USII/KDM2 Data Mining II Winter Czech 5  
USII/KDMR Data, models and decision making in socio-technical systems
USII/KDMR Data, models and decision making in socio-technical systems Winter Czech 3  
USII/KEIZ Electronic Information Resources
USII/KEIZ Electronic Information Resources Summer Czech 2  
USII/KELE e-Learning
USII/KELE e-Learning Summer Czech 3  
USII/KELO e-Business
USII/KELO e-Business Summer Czech 3  
USII/KFCH Fractals and Chaos
USII/KFCH Fractals and Chaos Summer Czech 3  
USII/KGIS1 Geographic Information Systems I
USII/KGIS1 Geographic Information Systems I Winter Czech 5  
USII/KGIS2 Geographic Information Systems II
USII/KGIS2 Geographic Information Systems II Summer Czech 5  
USII/KIKS Information and Communication Systems
USII/KIKS Information and Communication Systems Winter Czech 3  
USII/KISR Inform.Systems in Region. Administration
USII/KISR Inform.Systems in Region. Administration Summer Czech 4  
USII/KISVS Introduction to Information Systems
USII/KISVS Introduction to Information Systems Summer Czech 4  
USII/KJAVA Programming in JAVA Language
USII/KJAVA Programming in JAVA Language Winter Czech 4  
USII/KKOK Competitive Reporting
USII/KKOK Competitive Reporting Summer Czech 5  
USII/KMAI Managerial Information
USII/KMAI Managerial Information Winter Czech 4  
USII/KMDC1 Management of Private Detective Actvities and Commercial Reporting I
USII/KMDC1 Management of Private Detective Actvities and Commercial Reporting I Summer Czech 4  
USII/KMDC2 Management of Private Detective Activities and Commercial Reporting II
USII/KMDC2 Management of Private Detective Activities and Commercial Reporting II Winter Czech 6  
USII/KMEP Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes
USII/KMEP Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes Summer Czech 5  
USII/KMNB Methods and tools of business intelligence
USII/KMNB Methods and tools of business intelligence Winter Czech 3  
USII/KMUL Multimedia
USII/KMUL Multimedia Winter Czech 2  
USII/KMZA Methods of acoustic signals processing
USII/KMZA Methods of acoustic signals processing Summer Czech 3  
USII/KOSY Operating Systems
USII/KOSY Operating Systems Summer Czech 7  
USII/KPAU Space Regional Analysis
USII/KPAU Space Regional Analysis Winter Czech 4  
USII/KPCR Procedural Management
USII/KPCR Procedural Management Summer Czech 3  
USII/KPIS Development of Information Systems
USII/KPIS Development of Information Systems Winter Czech 5  
USII/KPMD Advenced methods of remote sensing
USII/KPMD Advenced methods of remote sensing Winter Czech 3  
USII/KPRG1 Programming I
USII/KPRG1 Programming I Summer Czech 5  
USII/KPRM Decision-Making Support of Management
USII/KPRM Decision-Making Support of Management Winter Czech 4  
USII/KPRS Programming of robotics systems
USII/KPRS Programming of robotics systems Summer Czech 3  
USII/KPSI1 Computer Networks I
USII/KPSI1 Computer Networks I Winter Czech 5  
USII/KPTP Advanced programming techniques
USII/KPTP Advanced programming techniques Summer Czech 3  
USII/KPVA Planning and development of application software
USII/KPVA Planning and development of application software Summer Czech 3  
USII/KROP Decision Making Processes
USII/KROP Decision Making Processes Summer Czech 3  
USII/KRP1 Project Management I
USII/KRP1 Project Management I Summer Czech 5  
USII/KRP2 Project Management II
USII/KRP2 Project Management II Summer Czech 6  
USII/KRZN Knowledge management
USII/KRZN Knowledge management Winter Czech 3  
USII/KSBT Special Security Engineering
USII/KSBT Special Security Engineering Winter Czech 2  
USII/KSDY System dynamics
USII/KSDY System dynamics Winter Czech 4  
USII/KSEP Term Project
USII/KSEP Term Project Summer Czech 3  
USII/KSIN Introduction to System Integration
USII/KSIN Introduction to System Integration Winter Czech 5  
USII/KSMP Map Server Services
USII/KSMP Map Server Services Winter Czech 3  
USII/KSOS Social Networks
USII/KSOS Social Networks Summer Czech 3  
USII/KSSY System Simulation
USII/KSSY System Simulation Winter Czech 4  
USII/KSU Machine learning
USII/KSU Machine learning Winter Czech 5  
USII/KSYI System Engineering
USII/KSYI System Engineering Summer Czech 6  
USII/KTEI Internet Technologies
USII/KTEI Internet Technologies Summer Czech 4  
USII/KTSY1 Theory of Systems I
USII/KTSY1 Theory of Systems I Winter Czech 4  
USII/KTSY2 Theory of Systems II
USII/KTSY2 Theory of Systems II Winter Czech 6  
USII/KTWS Development of WWW Pages
USII/KTWS Development of WWW Pages Summer Czech 4  
USII/KTZI Essentials of Informatics
USII/KTZI Essentials of Informatics Winter Czech 5  
USII/KUBOI Introduction to Information Security and Protection
USII/KUBOI Introduction to Information Security and Protection Winter Czech 3  
USII/KUIBS Introduction to IBS
USII/KUIBS Introduction to IBS Winter and summer Czech 2  
USII/KUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
USII/KUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Winter Czech 4  
USII/KUVI1 Artificial and Computat. Intelligence I
USII/KUVI1 Artificial and Computat. Intelligence I Winter Czech 5  
USII/KUVI2 Artificial and Computat. Intelligence II
USII/KUVI2 Artificial and Computat. Intelligence II Summer Czech 5  
USII/KZAL Introduction to Algorithms
USII/KZAL Introduction to Algorithms Winter Czech 3  
USII/KZALE Introduction to Algorithms
USII/KZALE Introduction to Algorithms Winter Czech 3  
USII/KZD Data Computer Processing
USII/KZD Data Computer Processing Summer Czech 3  
USII/KZDE Data Computer Processing
USII/KZDE Data Computer Processing Summer Czech 3  
USII/KZDM Data Mining
USII/KZDM Data Mining Winter Czech 4  
USII/KZDTP Introduction to DTP
USII/KZDTP Introduction to DTP Summer Czech 3  
USII/KZGIS Geographic Information Systems
USII/KZGIS Geographic Information Systems Winter Czech 5  
USII/KZMSA Cluster Analysis-Based Data Processing
USII/KZMSA Cluster Analysis-Based Data Processing Winter Czech 4  
USII/KZND Unstructured data processing
USII/KZND Unstructured data processing Summer Czech 4  
USII/KZPI Introduction to Information Presentation
USII/KZPI Introduction to Information Presentation Winter Czech 4  
USII/PALG Algorithms and Programming
USII/PALG Algorithms and Programming Winter Czech 4  
USII/PBI Business Intelligence
USII/PBI Business Intelligence Winter Czech 7  
USII/PBOI Data Security and Protection
USII/PBOI Data Security and Protection Winter Czech 5  
USII/PDBS1 Database Systems I
USII/PDBS1 Database Systems I Winter Czech 4  
USII/PDBS2 Database Systems II
USII/PDBS2 Database Systems II Summer Czech 5  
USII/PDM1 Data Mining I
USII/PDM1 Data Mining I Winter Czech 4  
USII/PDM2 Data Mining II
USII/PDM2 Data Mining II Winter Czech 5  
USII/PDMR Data, models and decision making in socio-technical systems
USII/PDMR Data, models and decision making in socio-technical systems Winter Czech 3  
USII/PEIZ Electronic Information Resources
USII/PEIZ Electronic Information Resources Summer Czech 1  
USII/PELE e-Learning
USII/PELE e-Learning Summer Czech 3  
USII/PELO e-Business
USII/PELO e-Business Summer Czech 3  
USII/PFCH Fractals and Chaos
USII/PFCH Fractals and Chaos Summer Czech 3  
USII/PGIS1 Geographic Information Systems I
USII/PGIS1 Geographic Information Systems I Winter Czech 5  
USII/PGIS2 Geographic Information Systems II
USII/PGIS2 Geographic Information Systems II Summer Czech 5  
USII/PIKS Information and Communication Systems
USII/PIKS Information and Communication Systems Winter Czech 3  
USII/PISR Inform.Systems in Region. Administration
USII/PISR Inform.Systems in Region. Administration Summer Czech 4  
USII/PISVS Introduction to Information Systems
USII/PISVS Introduction to Information Systems Summer Czech 4  
USII/PITF Programming II
USII/PITF Programming II Winter Czech 3  
USII/PJAVA Programming in JAVA Language
USII/PJAVA Programming in JAVA Language Winter Czech 4  
USII/PKOK Competitive Reporting
USII/PKOK Competitive Reporting Summer Czech 5  
USII/PMAI Managerial Information
USII/PMAI Managerial Information Winter Czech 4  
USII/PMDC1 Management of Private Detective Activities and Commercial Reporting I
USII/PMDC1 Management of Private Detective Activities and Commercial Reporting I Summer Czech 4  
USII/PMDC2 Management of Private Detective Activities and Commercial Reporting II
USII/PMDC2 Management of Private Detective Activities and Commercial Reporting II Winter Czech 6  
USII/PMEP Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes
USII/PMEP Modelling of Socio-Economic Processes Summer Czech 5  
USII/PMNB Methods and tools of business intelligence
USII/PMNB Methods and tools of business intelligence Winter Czech 3  
USII/PMUL Multimedia
USII/PMUL Multimedia Winter Czech 2  
USII/PMZA Methods of acoustic signals processing
USII/PMZA Methods of acoustic signals processing Summer Czech 3  
USII/PODP Professional Practice (10 days)
USII/PODP Professional Practice (10 days) Summer Czech 3  
USII/POSY Operating Systems
USII/POSY Operating Systems Summer Czech 7  
USII/PPAU Space Regional Analysis
USII/PPAU Space Regional Analysis Winter Czech 4  
USII/PPCR Procedural Management
USII/PPCR Procedural Management Summer Czech 3  
USII/PPIN Insurance Engineering II
USII/PPIN Insurance Engineering II Winter Czech 4  
USII/PPIS Development of Information Systems
USII/PPIS Development of Information Systems Winter Czech 5  
USII/PPMD Advenced methods of remote sensing
USII/PPMD Advenced methods of remote sensing Winter Czech 3  
USII/PPRG1 Programming I
USII/PPRG1 Programming I Summer Czech 5  
USII/PPRM Decision-Making Support of Management
USII/PPRM Decision-Making Support of Management Winter Czech 4  
USII/PPRS Programming of robotics systems
USII/PPRS Programming of robotics systems Summer Czech 3  
USII/PPSI1 Computer Networks I
USII/PPSI1 Computer Networks I Winter Czech 5  
USII/PPTP Advanced programming techniques
USII/PPTP Advanced programming techniques Summer Czech 3  
USII/PPVA Planning and development of application software
USII/PPVA Planning and development of application software Summer Czech 3  
USII/PROP Decision Making Processes
USII/PROP Decision Making Processes Summer Czech 3  
USII/PRP1 Project Management I
USII/PRP1 Project Management I Summer Czech 5  
USII/PRP2 Project Management II
USII/PRP2 Project Management II Summer Czech 6  
USII/PRZN Knowledge management
USII/PRZN Knowledge management Winter Czech 3  
USII/PSBT Special Security Engineering
USII/PSBT Special Security Engineering Winter Czech 2  
USII/PSDY System dynamics
USII/PSDY System dynamics Winter Czech 4  
USII/PSIN Introduction to System Integration
USII/PSIN Introduction to System Integration Winter Czech 5  
USII/PSMP Map Server Services
USII/PSMP Map Server Services Winter Czech 3  
USII/PSOS Social Networks
USII/PSOS Social Networks Summer Czech 3  
USII/PSSY System Simulation
USII/PSSY System Simulation Winter Czech 4  
USII/PSU Machine learning
USII/PSU Machine learning Winter Czech 5  
USII/PSYI System Engineering
USII/PSYI System Engineering Summer Czech 6  
USII/PTEI Internet Technologies
USII/PTEI Internet Technologies Summer Czech 4  
USII/PTSY1 Theory of Systems I
USII/PTSY1 Theory of Systems I Winter Czech 4  
USII/PTSY2 Theory of Systems II
USII/PTSY2 Theory of Systems II Winter Czech 6  
USII/PTWS Development of WWW Pages
USII/PTWS Development of WWW Pages Summer Czech 4  
USII/PTZI Essentials of Informatics
USII/PTZI Essentials of Informatics Winter Czech 5  
USII/PUBOI Introduction to Information Security and Protection
USII/PUBOI Introduction to Information Security and Protection Winter Czech 3  
USII/PUIBS Introduction to IBS
USII/PUIBS Introduction to IBS Winter and summer Czech 2  
USII/PUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
USII/PUUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Winter Czech 4  
USII/PUVI1 Artificial and Computational Intelligence I
USII/PUVI1 Artificial and Computational Intelligence I Winter Czech 5  
USII/PUVI2 Artificial and Computational Intelligence II
USII/PUVI2 Artificial and Computational Intelligence II Summer Czech 5  
USII/PZAL Introduction to Algorithms
USII/PZAL Introduction to Algorithms Winter Czech 3  
USII/PZALE Introduction to Algorithms
USII/PZALE Introduction to Algorithms Winter Czech 3  
USII/PZD Data Computer Processing
USII/PZD Data Computer Processing Summer Czech 3  
USII/PZDE Data Computer Processing
USII/PZDE Data Computer Processing Summer Czech 3  
USII/PZDM Data Mining
USII/PZDM Data Mining Winter Czech 4  
USII/PZDTP Introduction to DTP
USII/PZDTP Introduction to DTP Summer Czech 3  
USII/PZGIS Geographic Information Systems
USII/PZGIS Geographic Information Systems Winter Czech 5  
USII/PZMSA Cluster Analysis-Based Data Processing
USII/PZMSA Cluster Analysis-Based Data Processing Winter Czech 4  
USII/PZND Unstructured data processing
USII/PZND Unstructured data processing Summer Czech 4  
USII/PZPI Introduction to Information Presentation
USII/PZPI Introduction to Information Presentation Winter Czech 4